Bona Craft Oil 2K is not just for floors, but can protect furniture as well
Bona Craft Oil 2K is not just for floors, it can also be used to seal and protect furniture, doors, windows and other internal wooden items as well, for a great natural oil finished look.
Bona Craft Oil 2K is a natural impregnating oil and stain in one easy step, now available in an intermixable range of 12 different colours. Craft Oil 2K colours and seals in one step. It is easy to apply and penetrates deep into the timber to resist water and stains. It can be used on its own as a quick drying, high-performance oil and sealer, or combined with Bona Traffic HD or Bona Traffic for extra protection and performance.
The unique formula is made from modified plant-based oils and has a very low solvent content. Bona Craft Oil 2K is catalysed with a hardener for greater durability and is compatible with most timber species. Bona Craft Oil 2K is available in 12 colours including neutral and is suitable for internal timber floors, as well as furniture and other woodwork.

- Fast curing, light use 8-12 hours
- Very low solvent content
- Use on its own as a high performance oil
- Overcoat with Traffic HD or Traffic for extra protection & performance