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Bona DCS 70 boost your business with dust free sanding
Bona DCS 70 powerful dust containment system which guarantees 99.99% dust free sanding
Two-step cyclonic separation system & the unique filter design of the Bona DCS 70
Bona DCS 70 a industry leading 2-step cyclonic separation & unique filter
Bona DCS 70, dust is taken safely directly into the 70 litre collection bag

Bona DCS 70


Dust has always been an issue when sanding a floor. Thanks to the two-step cyclonic separation system and the unique filter design of the Bona DCS 70 you can now work in a dust free environment. The 1400w motor gives an airflow of over 235 cubic metres an hour and connected directly to your sanding machines this means that the dust is taken safely directly into the 70 litre collection bag. When it is full simply seal it with a cable tie, lift it out and throw the dust away!

With the DCS 70 your working environment will be cleaner and safer.

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Video: Good reasons why Bona DCS is one of the best options for dustless refinishing.